Grants & Funding
Becoming a better of your steward of your land and public water is an investment. And while we hope the investment will more than pay for itself in the years to come, many operators will benefit from some upfront assistance getting conservation practices in place.
The various members of the Farmer-Led Watershed Conservation Network offer a wide range of programs that offer financial and technical assistance to farmers who want to do their part. Please contact us to discuss the following options and we'll help you figure out which of these might be right for you.
Soil Health Investment Program
Technical & Financial Assistance: A one-stop shop approach catered to your conservation needs.
With a multi-million dollar investment in agricultural conservation, Michigan farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin can access financial and technical assistance with ease through their local conservation district.
NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Precision Nutrient Management (cap 500 ac)
Custom Applied $15/ac
Equipment Upgrades 50% up to $30,000
Lower Soil Phosphorus Threshold $20/ac (cap 250 ac)
SOIL HEALTH (cap 500 ac) Cover Crop $20/ ac base rate, overwintering single species, +$5/ac multi-species mix, +5/ac for consecutive years on same field, +15/ac interseeded corn/soy by Oct 1.
Residue Management (50% after planting) $25/ac
100% funded
Grassed Waterway
Blind Inlet
Grade Stabilization Saturated Buffer
Drainage Water Control (manual or automatic), plan provided.
Harvestable Buffer: $1,000/ac, one-time payment.
Contact your local Conservation District staff for more information and to enroll.
Initial Signup:
February 15 – March 15, 2025.
Washtenaw County Conservation District
Nicholas Machinski
Lenawee Conservation District
Allegra Baird
517-263-7400 ext. 5565
Monroe Conservation District
Jackson Cenusa
Hillsdale Conservation District
Ashe May
Healthy Soils, Healthy Waters
A research collaboration in the Western Lake Erie Basin led by the University of Michigan, Michigan State University, Alliance for the Great Lakes, and Michigan Agriculture Advancement. Funded by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD).
They're currently looking for:
Michigan farmers of any size, background, location to participate in a 1 hour interview/discussion about how a "climate smart" brand and marketing campaign may impact their business. Compensation is a $150 stipend.
Food industry leaders/buyers of any size, background, location to participate in a 1 hour focus group about how "climate smart" branded products may impact their business. Compensation is a $150 stipend.
Small, diverse, under-served, and/or under-resourced farmers in Washtenaw, Lenawee, Monroe, and/or Wayne counties to participate in on-going, on-farm research including implementing conservation practices, soil sampling, record sharing. Compensation is a generous, potentially up to $5k stipend, and eligibility for cost-share.
Small, diverse, under-served, and/or under-resourced farmers in Washtenaw, Lenawee, Monroe, and/or Wayne counties to participate in the advisory committee in an on-going, voluntary way. Minimum commitment is a two-hour monthly virtual meeting.
What is the Michigan Climate Smart Farm Project (MCSFP)?
MCSFP will develop and launch a Climate Smart Farm Verification (CSFV) system, based on the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), designed to assist small/diversified farms in Washtenaw, Monroe, Wayne and Lenawee Counties. Farmers interested in participating in the CSFV pilot will be eligible for cost-share payments for climate-smart agriculture and forestry practices implemented with a goal of attaining CSFV. Verified farms will be able to utilize the newly developed CSF branding package and logo in order to market their commodities as Climate Smart Farm Verified. A final report on the CSFV system and findings will be presented to Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) with the goal of becoming part of the MAEAP program or a stand-alone program.
Farmers For Soil Health
Farmer Benefits and Incentives
Financial Incentive
To help cover the start-up costs of cover crops, Farmers for Soil Health offers financial assistance of up to $50/acre over a three-year period.
Exclusive Marketplace
Enrollment in Farmers for Soil Health provides access to an exclusive future marketplace connecting farmers to top-tier supply chain partners that are focused on sustainability.
Local Technical Assistance Support
Each state has dedicated on-the-ground technical advisors to provide research-based information and educational resources to aid in the transition of your field.
Find our more at
Michigan State University Institute of Water Research
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Your local county conservation district partners with the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to offer both technical assistance and funding to producers to to improve their soil health, reduce their cost of inputs, and reduce nutrient loss into waterways.
Conservation Planning
A conservation plan is a road map of resource concerns on your farm as well as a plan for strategies to address those concerns. All financial assistance through NRCS requires a completed conservation plan after submitting an application.
Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)
The EQIP program can help cover producers' costs for over 200 conservation practices -- everything from cover crops and seasonal high tunnels to erecting livestock fencing. Farmers must have an NRCS-approved conservation plan in place to be eligible for this program. -- More --
Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)
The CSP program is designed for producers that have already implemented conservation practices on the land and want to go even further. CSP contracts are typically longer than EQIP. -- More --
Farmers must have an NRCS-approved conservation plan in place to be eligible for this program.
Agricultural Conservation Easement Program
The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program helps landowners, land trusts, and other entities protect, restore, and enhance wetlands, grasslands, and working farms and ranches through conservation easements. -- More --
Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program
The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) offers assistance and recognition to farmers who reduce erosion and runoff from private land into public waters. We teach effective land stewardship practices that comply with state and federal regulations and show producers how to identify and prevent agricultural pollution risks on their farms.
This program is free, voluntary, and non-regulatory. Everything MAEAP Technicians learn about your farm is 100% confidential. MAEAP Technicians are local Conservation District employees whom you can trust. Even if a MAEAP Technician sees a potential “violation”, they cannot report it to regulatory agencies. This is guaranteed by state law.
MAEAP partner organizations offer incentives after producers become verified in the program:
Farm Bureau: Offers discounts of up to 20% on the liability portion of a farm owners' policy for MAEAP verified farms.
Michigan Corn Growers Association: Free 3-year membership for first-time verification (Verifiers have membership forms).
Crystal Flash: Will offer up to 10 percent off a fuel tank purchase to meet MAEAP verification.
Michigan Pork Producers: Will offer to help pay for a second MAEAP sign for pork producers
Michigan Wheat Program: Offers a one-time $50 financial award for documented wheat farmers (one award per farmer, not per farm) who are currently growing wheat and have obtained their first cropping system verification in MAEAP (guidelines and forms located on wheat.
Lenawee County Conservation District
The Lenawee Conservation District offers the following assistance programs:
Erosion Control Assistance
This program helps farmers deal with gullies and concentrated flow erosion. This program can help cover up to 70% of the cost to install grass waterways, erosion control structures, and water and sediment control basins.
Nutrient Management Assistance
This program helps farmers acquire and use new technology that reduces the need to apply phosphorus and nitrogen to cropland. Farmers can use these funds to acquire yield monitors, hydraulic down pressure, electric drives, variable rate applicators, GPS, nitrogen applicators, strip-till equipment, cover crops, and no-till combos, etc.
Best Management Practice Assistance
Any on-farm practices that help farmers reduce phosphorous application or runoff may be eligible for financial support.
Monroe County Conservation District
Truax No-Till Grass Drill Grant Program
The Monroe Conservation District, in partnership with the Michigan DNR, offers short-term rental agreements for a Truax No-Till Grass Drill.
Jackson County Conservation District
The Jackson County Conservation District offers the following assistance programs:
A soil testing program. Farmers and landowners can drop off soil samples. The district will secure the test and help the landowner understand the results.
MAEAP and Conservation Technical Assistance Initiative Engineer grants.
Equipment to rent: Soil probes, knotweed injectors, backpack sprayers and a no-till grass and grain drill.
The Farmer-led Watershed Conservation Group is grateful for the generous support of the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation.