Upcoming Events

WLEB Advisory Group: Winter Webinar Series

Multiple Dates & Topics

This winter, join the Water Center for a series of lunchtime webinars focused on phosphorus reduction efforts in the Western Lake Erie Basin. The series begins Wednesday, January 8, at noon with an exciting presentation on the Database for WLEB Nutrient Reduction Projects.

Each week, we’ll explore a new topic, from agricultural water management to Healthy Soils, Healthy Waters and water quality monitoring. We'll also delve into funding opportunities like the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grants to support BMP implementation, along with updates on wetland restoration and strategies for expanding conservation agriculture. 

Mark your calendar and register now to join us for this engaging and informative series!

Be on the Watch: Coffee and Conservation

More Dates To Be Announced

Keep an eye out for Coffee and Conservation events in your county hosted by the Farmer-Led Conservation Group, Monroe, Lenawee, and Washtenaw Conservation Districts. This is an informal event where farmers have the chance to connect with other farmers in their county.

Past Events

Center For Excellence 2024 Crops Day!

Friday, January 3, 2024

Attendees joined The Center For Excellence's 28th annual Crops Day! The purpose of the Center for Excellence winter meeting (Crops Day) is to share results from the 2024 field trials which were demonstrated during our summer field day this past August. Topics will include soil health, phosphorus, soybean trails, and conservation district funding updates. CCA and RUP credits were available.

Cider and Conservation

Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

Farmer-led Discussion

Attendees were able to network and talk with local farmers and producers on various conservation topics.

Tasty Treats

Attendees enjoyed fresh cider, local coffee, warm donuts, and other savory fall favorites.

Tour & U-Pick

Attendees enjoyed a private hayride tour of the orchard and cider mill, a classic autumn experience.

Coffee and Conservation

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024

Join us for a cup of joe and conversation with Lenawee County farmers. 

Come to network with peers, hear about conservation opportunities, and participate in a fun watershed game. Breakfast is included, so please register for free below.


When: September 25, 2024, 9-11 AM

Where: Shugar Creek Restaurant, 104 S Main St, Onsted, MI 49265

Washtenaw County Conservation District Field Day

Friday, September 13, 2024 | Saline, MI

Join Washtenaw County Conservation District for their Annual Washtenaw Field Day event on September 13th! Register today to secure your spot at this FREE event. Join fellow local producers and colleagues for expert presentations, demonstrations, and farmer panel discussions. 

2024 State of the Lake

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 | Adrian, MI

As concerns surrounding the health of Lake Erie continue, stakeholders from diverse sectors were invited to a public meeting aimed at addressing the intricate relationship between the lake's well-being and land-use, including agricultural practices. Scheduled for 3 dates in September, these gatherings promised to foster dialogue, collaboration, and problem-solving to preserve the integrity of Lake Erie while supporting sustainable agriculture practices. 

Monroe County Field Day

Thursday, September 5, 2024 | Monroe, MI

The Monroe County Agriculture Advisory Council, Monroe Conservation District, MCCC, hosted the 2024 Farmer Field Day! This event was held on-campus at the MCCC Student Ag Farm on Thursday, September 5th, 2024 from 9:30am - 3:00pm. 

Understanding Algae Blooms: State of the Science 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The 2024 Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference highlighted current scientific knowledge related to algal blooms.

The auduence included academic researchers, state and federal agencies and the agricultural community interested in the latest algal bloom science and technology. Members of the academic research community, state and federal agencies and the agricultural community were especially encouraged to attend.

Research and outreach leaders presented findings from recent studies and identify important areas of uncertainty. 

Regenerative Agriculture Field Tour 

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

Hosted by the Western Lake Erie Basin Advisory Group, this tour offered the chance to see effective farming techniques in action that enhance soil health, protect water quality, and produce high-quality, nutrient-dense food. An immersive field tour took place in the Upper Maumee watershed as you explore firsthand the impact of sustainable farming practices on vegetable, grain, and livestock production. Attendees learned directly from farmers who are successfully implementing these practices and from renowned soil health expert Ray Archuleta

Time: 12 - 12:30 pm

Freshwater Science: Investigating Hypoxia Dynamics in Lake Erie 

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024

Harmful algal blooms and hypoxic zones, or areas with low oxygen, are leading environmental problems in Lake Erie, adversely affecting water quality and fish habitat. Despite their importance, the characteristics and long-term variability of the hypoxic zones in the lake remain poorly understood.

Dr. Fasong Yuan of Cleveland State University is leading multifaceted research to shed light on the dynamics and long-term changes in the lake’s hypoxic zones to help inform policy makers, stakeholders, and resource managers. Researchers are gathering in-situ sensor timeseries data to characterize both nearshore and offshore hypoxic systems, employing stable isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon to offer a quantitative understanding of oxygen-consuming organic matter in hypoxic waters, and analyzing surface sediments and sediment cores to yield insights into long-term evolution of hypoxia dynamics across the transition zone between hypoxia and normoxia, or areas with normal oxygen level, in central Lake Erie off the coast of Cleveland.

Center for Excellence Field Day

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Webinar: Applying for FY24 Nonpoint Source Program Watershed Planning Grants

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

EGLE's Nonpoint Source (NPS) program staff described the FY 2024 NPS program funding for watershed planning projects. The grant application schedule, program priorities, eligibility criteria, application requirements, tips for successful applications, will all be discussed, and NPS staff will also answer your questions. This webinar was intended for watershed groups, conservation organizations, municipal environmental coordinators, drain commissioners and any others interested in applying for a nonpoint source grant to develop or update watershed management plans to restore and protect watersheds and enhance water quality. 


Bob Sweet: SweetR@Michigan.gov

Coffee and Conservation

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Join us for a cup of joe and conversation with Washtenaw County farmers. Sit down with us and talk about topics related to land use. 

WLEB FLG Annual Meeting and Farm Tour

Thursday, July 25, 2024 | Palymra, MI

The Western Lake Erie Basin Farmer-Led Conversation Group met for the Annual Meeting and Farm Tour on at Jim & Laurie Isley's Sunrise Farms. 

We heard presentations from Michigan Corn, MDARD, EGLE's Great Lakes Coordination Program, EGLE's Nonpoint Source Program, MSU IWE, and JLW CISMA. This event provided 1 RUP credit.

This event was free thanks to the support of the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. Register below!

"Lunch & Learn" with Legacy Land Conservancy

Wednesday, July 17, 2024 | Tipton, MI

The Legacy Land Conservancy hosted a free "Lunch and Learn" about land protection in Lenawee County.

Over lunch attendees learned about the work Legacy is doing to protect land in Lenawee County, and meet some of our staff. They shared details about exciting upcoming projects, including their newest nature preserve, Iron Creek.

Cover Crop Boot Camp

February 7-8, 2024 | Lansing, MI

The first Cover Crop Boot Camp was brought to you by the Corn Marketing Program of Michigan, the Michigan Soybean Committee and the Michigan Pork Producers Association. The Cover Crop Boot Camp was a deep dive into innovative cover crop use, with topics including cover crop blends, precision technology, integrating livestock, seed production and more! 

2023 Events

Michigan's Inaugural State of the Western Lake Erie Basin Conference

Tuesday, December 12, 2023 | Adrian, MI

EGLE and its partners hosted Michigan’s inaugural State of the Western Lake Erie Basin Conference, where featured speakers discussed topics related to phosphorus management in the Western Lake Erie Basin.  Attendees also heard about updates to Michigan’s 2023 Domestic Action Plan for Lake Erie.  The Western Lake Erie Basin Science Panel shared their findings and recommendations for the Domestic Action Plan and participated in a  panel to answer questions from conference attendees.

This event, which was open to the public, was a forum for networking, discussion, and updates on phosphorus management in Michigan's portion of the Western Lake Erie Basin. Attendees included Conservation Districts, watershed councils, local and state government officials, agricultural organizations, environmental non-governmental organizations, and community members.

Field Day: Sustainable Cropping Systems for the Future

Friday, September 15, 2023 | Hickory Corners, MI 

What could a more sustainable rowcrop system look like?

The dirty details: how do we do it?

Tools at Twilight: Soil & Water Management Field Day & Demonstrations

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 | Monroe, MI

Attendees expanded their knowledge and awareness of topics like strip tillage, cover crop timing, and field drainage through demonstrations and education from extension specialists and growers who have integrated improved farming methods into their operations. The pros and cons of different management practices were discussed and seen in action.


This event is supported with partial funding from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. 

2023 Nutrient Management Field Day

Thursday, August 17th, 2023 | Waldron, MI

The 2023 Nutrient Management Field Day was hosted by Jay and Kelli Williams on Thursday, August 17th, 2023 at Stoney Ridge Farms. Michigan State University Extension, Hillsdale Conservation District, Hillsdale County Farm Bureau, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NCRC) partnered to present the field day. 

This year's the event featured Mitchell Hora as the keynote speaker. Mitchell Hora is a seventh-generation farmer and the founder of Continuum. Mitchell has built their footprints to 40 states and 50 countries, launching the first soil health data tool TopSoil in 2020. In the afternoon, there was be a farm safety and grain bin rescue demonstration. 

Washtenaw County Conservation District Field Day

Thursday August 10, 2023 | Saline, MI

Washtenaw County Conservation District hosted an amazing Field Day at Noble Organics Farm located at 6760 Noble Rd. Saline, MI 48176. Four expert speakers spoke at this event. There was also be a weed zapper demonstration by Pond Hill Sales. 

This event is supported with partial funding from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. 

Image of attendees at last year's Washtenaw County Conservation District's Field Day.
Image of the Center for Excellence's logo.

Center for Excellence Field Day

Wednesday August 9, 2023 | Clayton, MI

The Center for Excellence Field Day, was hosted by Lenawee County District at Bakerlads Farm. The field day offered a variety of speakers and presenters that included topics such as soybeans, phosphorous management, new crop data, and singulation. 

This event is supported with partial funding from the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation. 

WLEB FLG Annual Meeting and Farm Tour

Thursday July 20, 2023 | Tipton, MI

The Western Lake Erie Basin Farmer-Led Watershed Conversation Group met for the Annual Meeting and Farm Tour on Thursday, July 20, 2023, at Heath and Bob Platt's Paragon Farms. 

FEATURED Presentations from:

This event is possible through the support of the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation.

Conservation Technology Information Center's Conservation in Action Tour

July 10- July 11, 2023 | Frankenmuth, MI

2023's tour theme, Experiencing Conservation in Supply Chains, helped connect the circle from farmer to consumer. At this event, perspectives of farmers, input suppliers, and processors to dig deep into sustainable, climate-smart food production. 

Frankenmuth Michigan was the perfect place for this tour—farmers around “Little Bavaria” produce not only corn, soybeans and dairy, but also potatoes, sugar beets, dry beans and more. Beyond the crops, there’s the people: every year, the CTIC Conservation in Action Tour brings a wide variety of attendees from different backgrounds and experiences.