Success Stories
Harvestable Buffer: UPDATE
As you might remember from our previous video on the topic, buffers are an important Best Management Practice (BMP) for controlling fertilizer runoff in the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB). This family farm operation can show you how to make a buffer profitable in this update from Farmer Ed Scheffler.
Erosion Control Dike Farming System
Farmer Alex Craig provides a brief look onto his operation, and his newest Best Management Practice (BMP): Erosion Control Dikes!
Erodible Land Farming System
Take a brief peek into a farming operation using an entire system of Best Management Practices (BMP) to fight against high erodibility! This system is specially designed to help this producer best optimize his inputs for the most efficient returns in his market.
No-Till Interview with Bakerlads Farms
Reducing tillage in active agricultural lands is one of many ways to reduce runoff and increase water quality in your watershed.
Harvestable Buffer
Lenawee County Farmer Ed Scheffler talks about the harvestable hay buffer strip that has been in use on his farm since 2018.
Holding Pond
Tom Van Wagner of the Lenawee Conservation District discusses the benefits of a closed loop aquatic system or holding pond.
Maple River Watershed Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP)
USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) funded the five-year, $600,000 “Improving Stream Habitat in the Maple River Watershed” project through the RCPP, which focuses on bringing together partners to address resources concerns in an area. Project partners included MSU Extension, Michigan Farm Bureau, USDA NRCS, multiple Conservation Districts, the Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), the Nature Conservancy, the Michigan Agri-Business Association, Michigan Potatoes, the Soil and Groundwater Conservation Society, Michigan Trout Unlimited, and Kellogg.
Cover Crops on a No-Till Farm Operation
Cover crops are an important component of many operators' Best Management Practice (BMP) repertoire, including today's highlighted farmer: Bob Platt of Paragon Farms
Rainfall Simulator - Soil Health Demonstration
Paul Gross and Dean Baas, from Michigan State University Extension, give a rainfall simulator demonstration at the 2019 AgroExpo in Michigan. The demonstration covers soil health topics such as runoff, water holding capacity, and aggregate stability.
Solid Manure and Cover Crops
Michigan State University Extension Educator, Sarah Fronczak, discusses the benefits of integrating soil manure and cover crops into your farming practices.
Two-Stage Ditch
Join us for another look at a Best Management Practice (BMP) for your operation; a two-stage ditch! This technique reduces flooding in fields with flashy creeks, saving you hours of being stuck in the mud.
Liquid Manure and Cover Crops
Michigan State University Extension Educator, Sarah Fronczak, discusses the benefits of integrating soil manure and cover crops into your farming practices.
Cover Crops And Water Quality: Are Nutrients Removed From Surface And Tile Flow?
Cover Crops And Water Quality: Are Nutrients Removed From Surface And Tile Flow? - Dr. Emily Duncan, USDA-ARS, Columbus, from the 2019 Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference, March 5 - 6, 2019, Ada, OH, USA.
Getting Started with Cover Crops
Jim Hoorman, of Hoorman Soil Health Services, talks about different cover crops, how they improve soil health, and why they benefit our operation in the long run.
Find Jim's website below:
Talk with your local Conservation District to find your options:
Get involved with the Farmer-Led Watershed Conservation Group:
Get MAEAP Verified:
Video made possible by the Erb Family Foundation:
How Soil Health Can Improve Water Quality and Reduce Nutrient Runoff
Jim Hoorman, of Hoorman Soil Health Services, talks about different farming techniques and how they affect soil health, water quality, nutrient runoff, and Lake Erie.
The Hope In Healthy Soil
How America’s farmers are breathing new life into our nation’s soils.
This video combines the seven-part series exploring how an increasing number of farmers throughout the country are creating a new hope in healthy soil by regenerating our nation’s living and life-giving soil.
Cover Crops Virtual Field Day - Soil Health
Mitchell Hora meets with Dwight and Nancy Bartle and John Mackson to discuss how to best set yourself up to maximize profit through strategic planning of soil and nutrient management.
Cover Crops Virtual Field Day
Rich & Beverly D’Arcy farm 2,000 acres near Kingston, in Sanilac County. The crops they raise are corn, soybeans, navy beans, and wheat. D’Arcy’s have been no-till for 25-30 years and have been working with cover crops for the last 7-10 years and believe they are a great companion program to
Precision Agriculture for Profitability and Environmental Assurance
High yields, solid income, and environmental protection are the goals of today's farmer. Joe Nester will show you ways to manage conservation, clean water and be profitable in your operation.
The Farmer-led Watershed Conservation Group is grateful for the generous support of the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation.