About Us

About the Farmer-Led Watershed Conservation Group 

Farmers helping farmers adopt best management practices to improve soil health, increase crop yields, reduce farm input costs, reduce nutrient loss, and improve water quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin. That's our mission with the Farmer-Led Watershed Conservation Group. 

We welcome farmers to our monthly meetings, FLG events, and events within the districts we work, to learn more about the benefits of conservation, how they can implement conservation practices on their land, and how conservation practice implementation can save them money.

If you are interested in getting involved, reach out to us and let us know your interests and how we can help you!

Our Goal

Water pollution comes from many sources, but some of it comes from farms. 

Lake Erie suffers from toxic algal blooms fueled in part by excess phosphorus and other pollutants. In 2018, the state of Michigan released a road map for reducing phosphorus entering Lake Erie by 20 percent by 2020 -- and 40 percent by 2025.

We are working hard to help meet this goal by helping local farmers improve their operations!

Where We Work

The Farmer-Led Conservation Group works within the Western Lake Erie Basin (WLEB), specifically covering Lenawee County, Monroe County, and part of Washtenaw County. These counties fall within the River Raisin Watershed. The area outlined in the photo below shows the portion of the WLEB that is in Michigan.

Our People

Jim Isley, Farmer Advocate

Jerry Heck, Farmer Advocate

Blaine Baker, Farmer Advocate

Bob Platt, Farmer Advocate

Aron Buechler, Farmer Advocate

Melissa Harris, Michigan Association of Conservation Districts

Rivka Hodgkinson, Michigan Association of Conservation Districts

Deanna Wagner, Monroe Conservation District

Jackson Cenusa, Monroe Conservation District

Brooke Bollwahn, Lenawee Conservation District

Allegra Baird, Lenawee Conservation District

Nick Machinski, Washtenaw Conservation District

Paul Buzzard, Washtenaw Conservation District

Lydia Lopez, River Raisin Watershed Council

Steve May, River Raisin Watershed Council

Meija Knafl, River Raisin Watershed Council

Joe Kelpinski, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

Kelcie Sweeney, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development


The Farmer-led Watershed Conservation Group is grateful for the generous support of the Fred A. and Barbara M. Erb Family Foundation.